摩丝跟其他探长的最大不同是 他一直视自己为普通人:渴望爱情 为钱发愁 工作受排挤他坦然面对自己所需白袜男高中生GAY资源努力解决绝不孤芳自赏 清高孤僻纵然他人告诉他You are different. 摩丝回答:I don’t wanna be. 摩丝是真正的高逼格 @2019-03-25 12:13:31
I barely knew him, but I was in love with him for four years. And on the last day, he talked to me, everything he said was exactly how I pictured it would be. He fell the way and fell in my dream, and I thought everything was happening exactly the way it was supposed to be.