2008-01-19 I watched this one probably in Beijng, then I did ont remember it at all. 2015-08-21 I watched it again in Rulan's place. Then I remember the ferrary thing....so ..... memories!
太长了 真特么减一个小时不会影响它的表达力一丝一毫 which isnt much to begin with 好笑不够好笑 血腥不够血腥 严肃不够严肃 why would you朝昆汀看齐何况又对不齐|有趣的东西:谁说韩国没有racial imagination 这古老神秘非洲吸血鬼邪教杠杠的;indigenous body和医学和宗教的干涉;要说从德古拉就开始的Wilde desire和reverse colonialism乃至传染病的话 演变到夜访吸血鬼里的post AIDS anxiety还差不多 放直人身上真的没啥意思 也太那么对标美国了结尾那段大沙漠大峡谷我真以为在看Stranger than Paradise 아니면末路狂花 色调倒是挺好