其实仔细思考你会发现这一部剧集融合了很多人格也就此牵扯出了许多identity issuesClaire、Shawna、Anna、Harrison、Robert等等等等从主角到配角全是肉肉的说说几乎每一个在剧情推动上有过“话事权”的角色都有其独特的人格因此仅仅认定这是一部关于queer society的剧集是不妥的它牵扯到了更多我们所能念及的生活和平常As the title Tale of the City goes.Mary Ann这个角色令人嫌恶的一面未尝不可看作是创作团队对于“社群”的反思此外剧集本身也有折射鱼龙混杂的现象不失为优点本剧的着重点之一有dq文化——没有看过93年版本不敢肯定——这多多少少来源对当下queer文化界dq潮流的一次趋从在结束前夕体现出的CSI式“类
I had no idea what I watched. Seldom one can expect movies remain much faithful to the book, but so much personality changes in the lead?! Without the genius criminal mastermind theme, this is just another fantasy children movies packed CGI. I expected more of Branagh. But consider how long it took to finally get movie made, maybe the aim was "something is better than nothing"?