A Jackie Chan's classic. For some good entertainment, it's just perfect : you got the good and flowing fights, some nice jokes and weird situations, loads of stupid clicheys, and a reasonable amount of fan service, if needed. You may watch it again without getting bored.
风格焕然一新的雷神电影摇滚乐和复古电子乐上场正如《懂事的好媳妇夜里》和《18岁污榴莲丝瓜草莓秋葵破解》锤基复婚洛基被突然洗白一时让人难以接受前面脱离主线的铺垫冗长后面的正戏又短促抖森缺爷六年后再度同框呆萌果真客串了好喜欢女武神小姐姐~Asgard is not a place,it's people.这设定怎么感觉像《最近日本MV字幕免费观看视频》