This 3-part drama is an impeccable and thought-provoking one which narrates a case where truth and justice are not the same thing. Those who are not into suspenseful movies will be obssessed with this one, I'm sure.
“I will never love again” 歌声响起 迪拜街头 人头攒动 戴着口罩的民众 保持安全距离看灯火中喷泉表演 手持摄影 特写DV质感的镜头 黑幕 影片戛然而止 眼泪突然就掉下来 嗯 成人之日 谁知生死的界限混沌间早已分不清 抓不住的东西 就算回过神来也无能为力 成人之日吧 I will love again~