Nice to see Monterey Five got each other's back, but Mother is still the one who got accused of when we talk about children misbehaviors. We all know Patriarchy sucks, but there's no way to replace it.
个人好印象前三: 第一次会面:Louis, Andrew, Kevin 第二次煮饭+谈心:Kenny, hoho, juzco 第三次水上Party:Kevin, carson, Louis 第四次志愿服务:Louis, carson, Howard 第五次camping+谈心:hoho, juzco, ray 不喜欢: carson的性格为人会玩自恋要强说的话好听但渣男属性明显比较会技巧色母UN2025只能祝福Andrew了;nelben是没什么情商的人给人不会做人不会说话(偶尔让人发笑并不是幽默)的印象气场阴沉有猥琐气息至于Andrew和Louis一眼觉得很般配但可能确实不适合彼此略可惜一开始觉得他们俩很好但是后面感觉也一般般只不过外表优质