I got up early today. It was still dark. I went down by the side of the loch. I saw the sun come up over the sea and the birds out flying. And I thought about how beautiful this world is. And how much I miss it when I'm under the water. And then I thought of you.
最后背影里fleabag和priest走向两边狐狸跟着去了最后的场景作为第四面墙以外的我们终于看着fleabag慢慢走远不再是紧紧的跟随了 终于通过了承认爱和表达爱得到了无须后续也一样精彩的认可终于被人真诚又充满力量感的爱我以为Priest说都会过去的时候已经是巅峰了毕竟这种无法生长的爱最终就会慢慢化为美好的经历但是甜心还是说了I Love U too 很棒了真的这是一份不打折扣的爱男生不够硬怎么办还是要去教堂做礼拜感谢一下God的支持(终于不扔画抗议了)