虽然情节漏洞一堆但时尚爱情动作片有人在乎逻辑吗典型的轻情节重形象 Cool girls finally grow. One begin to feel and the other begin to find herself. They are mutual fixation. "What do you want? Honesty, don't be a dick. "你想要什么说实话别犯浑" "Normal stuff. A nice life. Cool flat. Fun job. Someone to watch movies with." "很普通的东西美好的生活很酷的公寓有趣的工作可以一起看电影的人"
又见希拉里·斯万克不过真心觉得她还是角色反串比较好催泪之作啊“The longer you go without sex, the meaner and bitchier you get.”剽悍之语德国vs葡萄牙令人捧腹