Ep01: Recognize your strengths and weaknesses... No job is beneath you. Working hard at a job, any job, builds confidence and gives you self-worth. That confidence will help catapult you to the next level... Diversify your efforts... Investing 101: Buy low, sell high... Tap into the herd mentality. 看完感觉有表演成分~
Fire and Blood这本书很厚一直在我书架上没碰过看完第一集熟悉的感觉又回来了 Daemon非常有魅力但编剧没有意识到最后一集确实有点OOC缺少铺垫打破了观众的预期再加之前几集换演员且时间跨度大我自己感觉是会有一些不连贯的地方高H啃咬花蒂NP需要去逐步适应所以来来回回就是联姻再联姻血龙狂舞噱头够大但故事内容有点贫乏要么就全员黑化吧观众看个热闹不站队了