原生家庭、学校教育、规则的树立与打破、所有人童年都做过的美梦但是没有人实现教育是启发灵智爱我多深还是规训灵魂培育的是创造力还是服从性教育会鼓励你跳出boxes and rules学校会把你套进disciplinesWhen we grow up, we inevitably become those compromised grown-ups, succumb to harsh reality, while being stunned by the vivid imagination and powerful creativity of the next generation and at last give in to them in reluctance.
总体来说凝练沧桑正如影片最后道:"There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer"我想这也许才是大卫芬奇耗尽四年的时光要告诉我们的话:一个杀手未必要用武器去杀死一个人更多时候我们是死于竭力而非窒息