The sixth and final season of the American television drama series Better Call Saul was announced on January 16, 2020. It will air in late 2021 or early 2022, but the exact release date is not yet known. Production for season 6 had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and they will begin in March 2021.
电影让我想起了大一时的一个男同学A他是同性恋他喜欢同寝室的一个男孩子B深夜摸B的生殖器B醒了之后感觉被侵犯了白天向大家诉苦 大学的学校氛围算是比较开放的起初认为自己不会歧视同性恋但是知道同性恋在自己隔壁寝室之后娱乐圈的风流大佬觉得浑身难受看到A就躲着走我想A也感受到了我们异样的眼光随后大家都开始孤立他 虽然不会像剧中那样极端但对于LGBT的认同、接纳嘴上说说容易行动上和思想上还有一段路要走 剧中的the boy girl 比我的同学A幸运多了至少她喜欢的lana为深爱着她即使发现她是女儿身