Great movie监狱是斯图劳德度过53年的熔炉但亦是让他开启新的人生的地方按哪里可以让小便失禁在这里他由一个桀骜不驯的血气青年到气定神闲的鸟类专家但未变的是他的个性(individuality)这给联邦当局狠狠地一记耳光由此我豁然才知rehabilitation的本质是还给犯人尊严培养出兴趣和目标才是真正的改过而不是亦步亦趋地遵循监狱的规章制度洗心革面
“Isn't It Romantic” does a good job at poking fun of cliches that litter pretty much all romantic comedies. Rebel Wilson is a capable lead and is quite funny throughout. Most of the humor actually is pretty good and I liked that this film didn't have to resort to gross-out gags to be funny. It was mostly cleverly-written bits. What holds the film back is its over-reliance on the same cliches it mocks. There were a few directions it could have taken that would have relied less on conventional rom-com setups. However, “Isn't It Romantic” is still a fairly charming and amusing look at one of cinema's most played out genres.