這是一部關於記憶本身的有限性探討的電影 1. 不同參與者對特定事件的回憶或重塑往往因主觀視角的限制而導致片面的理解並可能得出有別於事實的結論; 2. 當時人可以將記憶選擇性遺忘或改造; 3. 記憶亦可被外力強行灌輸而重構或篡改; 4. 回到記憶的現場只能看見事情發生的“真實”過程但不能切身體會到當時人的內心感受"So you see only a picture book. You do not know what they meant to me. "
Well it's obviously a copy-cat of Inception and the direction is obviously not even close to Nolan's skills, but well at least the story is ok...just ok though...