2015-08-13 Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben. | 2016/11/8 看的第二遍 生理上的不断地病痛(牙病 关节疼 服药引起染色体变异 抖腿 不能哭泣 分泌唾液)与精神上的孤独 脆弱的苇草 | 2017-1-27高攀1V 1H最近总不时想起这部电影它讲得是人自身的有限性很难过、、
这电影让我日常恐男Yes I get it, you are lonely and lost. Deep down inside you are just a sensitive little boy. You need a hug. But that’s no excuse for being a misogynistic weirdo. Women are not responsible for your plight, so don’t expect them to be your therapists. Sure, your life sucks, but try living in fear 24/7, that’s what it is like to be a woman.