1 of the best science documentary I’ve seen. There’s something endearing abt the particular American cheesiness of this hardcore phy edu flick. explain a complex concept in simple terms is the ultimate test & I believe this documentary can be understood by middle-schoolers, which is amazing. How I wish something similar were made every 10 yrs
1.希区柯克最官能性的作品不惜牺牲品味 2.完整展现强暴场面从you're my type到lovely、lovely、lovely---镜头贪婪的揉弄受害者的乳房女尸的大腿扼杀的脖颈跟随罪犯动作十分钟免费视频在线观看高清甚至让人怀疑导演在移情 3.男主的性格缺陷没有对剧情推动发生作用与罪犯的双线难以成立没有任何悬念最大噱头就是不断的奸杀犯罪 4.警长和妻子的对话冗长乏味其妻通过“前夫不可能强奸前妻因为早没性趣了”这种低级趣味推断男主无罪更有女店长听闻“先奸后杀”的“奸”字两眼放光的桥段 5.希区柯克1972年对扼杀女人的趣味已经毫不掩饰简直是假公济私不过也算随心所欲得大自在了吧