有时候确实喜欢看这种显得傻傻的美国传奇故事就好像生活没有那么多的迷茫绝望失败和仇恨 “Catch me if you can.” “Handratty” “Barry Allen the Flash” “ You know why the Yankees always win? Frank. It because the other teams can't stop staring at those damn pinstripes.” “ Where is the fucking risk.”
①酷儿影史打卡:第一部以同性爱恋为主题的影片、开创同性题材不再压抑不再悲剧结局的先河 ②经典桥段:床戏的女性目光(TLW)、车站送别戏(TITTB)、台词“I don't act this way to change the world. I act this way so that the world won't change me!”(熔炉)