Emma Thompson is simply too brilliant. It's indeed a role customized for her. Plot is predictable and nothing new about it; nevertheless it's wonderful to see stories of powerful and charming women with flawed personality make mistakes but in the end are still loved by so many. That all the supporting characters are pleasant to see is a plus.
Kinki希望的爱情是I need you 而不仅仅是I love you华少觉得他是男生他被人说闲话无所谓了但是Kinki是女孩不能被说闲话作为都是爱情小品霹雳狂刀剧情算是开辟了刘德华和郑秀文漫长的都市爱情之旅后面接着瘦身男女、龙凤斗和盲探作为爱情电影男女主角的CP感很重要显然郑秀文和刘德华的CP 感就是完美的一开始华少只是被Kinki的怪癖吸引力注意力直到组会上只有Kinki是认真准备了的他开始注意到了Kinki的工作能力从后面的相处过程中Kinki更多的是从工作上的搭档慢慢变成了意中人这个非常符合Kinki对爱情的要求need而非简单的love除此之外与天若有情的联动也是很有意思的强烈推荐