Let's quote: you can't fuck the future. The future fucks you. It catches up with you and it fucks you if you ain't planned for it! so true.
封闭的录音室、人数寥寥几笔但却刻画出了强烈的冲突感再一看真的是戏剧改编的经纪人和艺术家之间的矛盾野心勃勃的年轻人和守旧的老一辈之间的矛盾说到底还是种族、阶级之间的矛盾(最后因为制作人的虚假承诺因为上层阶级掠夺了大多数资源而导致底层的自相残杀)Minorities are being sold a narrative that they have a guaranteed path to white supremacy, and many will sell out other minorities to get it. Chadwick其实不怎么尝试这种偏反派的角色久久久久精品真的太遗憾了他本来还有无限可能的
虽然是低幼向的童话故事但是关于友情解读非常感人另外画面如梦如幻特效绚丽歌曲美丽又是我高中时期最喜欢的teen star Jesse McCartney配音对一部童话来说已经很完美了