Oh, Saviour ...Oh, Saviour I was relived It happened just this morning When I first believed Jesus Christ ...Jesus Christ Everlasting grace I seek
2014.05.21 初看于北京美国中心:It is the stated position of the U.S. Air Force that their safeguards would prevent the occurrence of such events as are depicted in this film. -- Presideny Merkin Muffley:Gentlemen,you can't fight in here! This the War Room. —— 2022.05.11 重看于B站:人类是聪明的日本熟妇无码亚洲成A人片在线具有地球上的其它生物难以企及的智慧;人类也是愚蠢的拥有地球上的其它生物望尘莫及且绝无仅有的各种自相残杀方式手段