Alex真是个神奇的女人; ep08很感人一世风流现风烛残年的银行劫匪和邻座化疗少年的故事讲得真好;P错过祖母最后一面之前的蓄力与那一刻的情感爆发感染力太强; ep13 A: I know that my track record is shit, but I really do love you. P: Yeah, well, I hate you. A: No, you don't. P: No...No, I don't
我差不多是从头哭到尾上帝知道为什么我发现宗教题材电影对我来说就只有两种:The ones that get it, and the ones that don’t. I find those that do enthralling and cathartic, whereas others either conflicting, or sanctimonious, or completely at lost.