I'm a fan of both the novel and Xiao Zhan. Though the drama has made several changes, I appreciate how they retold the story of Tang San and the Shi Lan Ke Seven Devils. They have managed to keep things exciting and visually appealing. At its core, it remains true to the original intent of TJSS, and I think that's a great achievement of the drama
主線有點搔不到癢處人物設定都扭捏單薄大概就像Xtina的Burlesque那樣讓人詬病的簡省與美化了性虐張力篇幅太短可能是優點免得讓我悶到走人但是後面有漸入佳境幾個配角(兩位男友還有搔癢夫婦)都挺可愛的有幫上忙企鵝先生是之前HTGAWM跟looking的配角很sexy哈哈...又在亂給五星了我stand up 那段是真的可以五星!