Susan's circumlocution is tolerable. So is her tangle with a lot of men. But how dare you live under no PRINCIPLE! It sucks Mike wound up with a deliberate car crash...
在距離銅鑼灣Sogo最近的電影院Cinema city JP看完了這場電影五天前這裡剛剛發生了刺警案看電影前路過Sogo還能看到大批穿著防彈衣的警察站在那裡不難想像這部電影中的事情發生在香港會是什麼樣的場景記得7.1十點的時候我從學校走回位於銅鑼灣的家看到一輛輛警車從軒尼詩道呼嘯而過剛進家門就看到了新聞我不敢在IG FB發表我對這種「秋日蝉」行為的看法因為後來的幾天Sogo周圍都擺滿了白花其實哪裡都有審查區別只是自上而下或是自下而上
The plots are getting a little far-fetched by always putting Susan in embarrassing situations. And I feel it hard to understand all the behavior of the black family. Bree, anyway, is definitely a chic beauty.