From the beginning "I chose not to choose life", with nothing but heroin in hand, to the end "I'm cleaning up, moving forward, going straight and choosing life", with a windfall (from a heroin deal) in hand, he changed, getting sick of the past chaos and eager for the ordinary - "getting by, looking ahead to the day you die"...
猫和老鼠般的配乐与逗趣剧情很喜欢镜头一特写梦露画面突然就柔和起来太太太美太有魅力了几段独唱歌喉也不错杰克莱蒙太好玩了哈哈哈哈哈津津有味看橡皮脸的他怎么表演17岁完整版免费观看每个举动每个表情都如教科书般经典"You can both go take a flyin' jump."科蒂斯开船进也退退也退笑死哈哈哈哈哈有始有终船内kiss和小酒馆跳舞画面对比一绝笑的笑死甜的甜死结局好评一旦爱上了不管你是谁你怎么样我都爱你"Wellnobody's perfect."