Love is the best medicine. Everybody has grief, and for those who never suffered this hardship is lucky. People who had live a hard life that need to push through, and only love makes us more powerful and be able to bear more things. 看到Emily和她的男友交换彼此最脆弱的人生的B面时候我看到了真挚的情感流动带向了阴郁的两家人:治愈了生命终点的男友父亲也治愈了貌离神离的她父母的婚姻人与人之间因为彼此的创伤而相互伤害也因为彼此的信任相互治愈想爱与被爱
另一种形式的企图描述我们居住的事实的reality/comedy show 对比the rehearsal看很有意思了…一种是悄咪咪的搞别人这个是明目张胆的嘲笑 可能喜剧/make fun of others的underlying tone还是i am superior to those i mock at 所以有些屎尿屁桥段is getting a bit repetitive/辣眼睛/too egocentric 但for the effort of featuring real politician还是可以加一星 ex-con感觉几个scenario还蛮novel的 真的这年头啥都可以但就怕你不极端 以及tv media嘛 本来就是传播学真真假假manipulation 想要真的see america (or the reality around us) for what's it worth还是靠个人亲身的effort