That means Phoenix had a hard time realizing when it was out of control. He didn't want to rock the boat and he didn't want to say that therefore anything goes.
这部剧像一根candy cane, 看完我都sugar rush了感谢在这个仍然阴云密布的年份里有这么棒的圣诞礼物本来有可爱女孩子和可爱狗子 (and Kate Bishop is basically an excitable puppy) 我已经很满足Hailee Steinfeld 和 Florence Pugh 之间的chemistry太令人惊喜她们只要同时出现我必定笑到满地打滚而好哭的地方也不少and what a loving tribute to Natasha Romanoff. 并且作为漫画读者我很高兴剧中有大量借鉴了原著的地方让Matt Fraction 担任consulting producer是个非常明智的选择