1. 玻利维亚冲奥片让我想到了秘鲁的冲奥片《老公看我和别人发的关系说说》题材都是南美国家对真正的自我的接受但这部题材在美国南美国家也可以有水准足够拿奥斯卡的当然奥斯卡近年眼瞎啊2. 这个导演太秀技了母亲とが话しています免费其实加百列是三个演员演的衔接像玩大片一样流畅到不可思议3.但凡稍微看过一些阿莫多瓦的电影的人都能发现里面那位阿姨是一代阿莫多瓦御用女演员4. Tu Me Manque 的翻译可以是 Te extraño, 但还要加上 en todo mi cuerpo.
A very clever mixture of genres (comedy and thriller). While the master is enjoying himself torturing the guests, himself is being watched and analyzed. The comedic elements are realistic and dramatic simultaneously. However, it felt a bit over-done, caused the story to be less prominent.