A relatively civil depiction of the systemic racism when people in power are not in any danger of repercussion. It unveils the threat it presents to the justice system, and the only way to change it is through persistent participation in this uphill battle, and tolerance to welcome those with open-mindedness to change.
4.5最后主线的反转很精彩没想到HBO的尺度会这么大扣的零点五是三人小组烧日记动机完全解释不通我看编剧是弃疗了哈哈总之看完就是美国人的中年生活一地鸡毛刚看了第一集只能说不愧是HBO啊目测2021最佳剧集了太厉害了凯特演的真他妈好啊what a fucking life and society你国天天黑美帝不如人家自己拍一集电视剧来的直观亲切啊真是他人即地狱厕所少年动漫在线观看这种中年绝望陷入不可挣脱境况的设定太他妈棒了this is life,fuck and shit.第五集:嘭一枪给我整懵了真不愧是你啊HBO现在我得爬起来跑办公室去拷第六集不愧是你啊HBO