This is just so WesAnderson, the only person to make this mess-up story into such an exquisite, healing and hilarious one. All movement settled in one plane with strictly 90 degree angle in mostly bright yellow pinky color which makes you want to cry for just pure beauty.
玩具熊拯救世界关于背景很担心上海也会被淹让我们来谈一些技术性问题:AI 如果被造出来那么人类生存一定会受到威胁哪会真的爱对方……最关键的问题怎么供能怎么可能一直处于开机状态……AI爱得到底有多深这个参数怎么设置控制地球的种族都变成细长条的魅影了疯马秀还有humanity吗绿野仙踪的寓意真的影响好深远i AM. i WAS.裘德洛虽然帅但是这个发际线这么早就这样了……
In the dirty circle no one could succeed really. 妹妹离开了哥哥帮凶反被“警察”收拾翻云覆雨的报业大亨们却无力自我救赎妹妹不离开反而是对Steve最好的保护疯马秀当时想“你在某个角落幸福地生活和工作着”想就此放下可哥哥竟不罢休...这是什么心理卖烟女孩颇有梦露的感觉