this is everything you should hate about the American Dream narrative reinvented in the current PC climate / dakota johnson annoys me so much with her Alexa-Chung-ripoff, fake french style, which resembles nothing more of the millennial snowflake oh-me-so-different-and-insouciant zeitgeist in its worst form / but god i miss diana ross
女主和阿吉的爱情观特别好诶你不用为我做任何改变我喜欢你就是你两个人都保持真实也能好好在一起当然很好但如果你和我在一起反而变得不像你那就不要煞费苦心地互相迁就好啦多想像剧里也像歌里唱的那样 loving is easy~ when everything's perfect~please don't change a single little thing for me~