to be continued. 梅雨季水漫小诗的公交车日记泛滥上游下游左岸右岸联系隔断崩坏失序的家庭靠快餐果腹靠幻想和倒错满排泄欲望互相享受果报的父母子中年去势父亲不再做饭的母亲无所事事的歪脖子小康虚幻中小诗的公交车日记里漂流的活模特现实中注入欲望的毒河中痛苦的众生水声滴答答楼上水龙头关不紧顺着楼下的水管汇入台北的毒河里楼下一个巴掌拍不响两个巴掌扇耳光不如治病去 欲望和生活永远难以解释
Don't really feel the art style is amazing but maybe for an animated TV show it's alright. But the dialogue and story are peak cliches, practically intolerable because they fill up 80% of the runtime, leaving no space for ingenuous plots. Not sure why it's highly received -- for the gore?