I’m not asking you to change the country, but I’m asking you to protect the right to change our country. 非常非常感动电影虽然中规中矩但内容真的让我非常感动好好生活电视剧免费观看最后真人出现我都快哭了
What’s the relationship between the clash/car and the sex? What’s the function of the scar? Why were they paranoid about clashing? 孩子看不懂哇(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)难道是death drive吗莫名觉得这部电影很freudian或许不止是freudian意义上的死本能还有lacanian意义上的毕竟intercourse是在violating traditional norms的情况下进行的所以不止是生理性还有了非生理性的层面(打破建构于文化的禁忌的快感)好好生活电视剧免费观看加上片中多次袒胸露乳= =与“想要重新回到与母亲乳房的前俄狄浦斯式融合的一种欲望”还蛮对应的
这么热的天梯子肯定很烫 they shouldn’t make it to the top in the first place lol 这个怀疑导致我全片都没法进入状态哈哈哈哈