Ali has a strange character...4 stars are for the transformation of attitude of all people around Amy, it's only when they are in your debt, need your help, have to beg you, they'll give out the share of respect you deserve. P.S. It's just not like a film made in 1970s!
三星半从某些层面来说的确有触动我但又觉得似乎只是隔靴搔痒最喜欢和妈妈和解的那一集妈妈的咨询师告诉她说“你因为害怕自己被拒绝所以通常先拒绝”这和我的感受一样:因为害怕持续的失落宁愿否认自己的感觉但其实心里非常在乎于是也就有了“如果你觉得我对你的爱有三分啊轻点灬太粗嗯太深了用力其实可能有七分”一直以来我都在期待有人可以轻易看穿这一点但现在我觉得我应该对自己更坦诚(By the way我真的不喜欢女主的声音)