Who is the judge? The judge is god.Why is the god?Because he decides who wins or loses,not my opponent.Who is your opponent?He doesn't exist.Why does he not exist?Because he is merely a disserting voice to the truth I speak!!!
一个时代过去的了一个新的时代再见rick, the walking dead,thank you for standby me. 第九季了我追的最长时间的美剧伴我跨过了三十岁又看到了肖恩赫歇尔萨萨肉蒲团Ⅱ之性战奶水潘金莲小说还有很多好面孔到了第九季还第一次看到弩哥落泪真不容易真tough man有泪不轻弹2020年了来说说s9的下半场tara也离开了老演员们没几个了最老的就是卡罗尔和弩哥了s9e16一次没铺垫的集中带走10个人holyshit
Relecture pompière du mythe conjuguant le film catastrophique et le récit familial intimiste.Le sensationnalisme visuel qui occulte l’impuissance formelle finit par accoster l’échelle humaine – un retour sur l'obssesion de DA: les tourments de l’esprit et du corps