philadelphia词根是希腊词philos(love or friendship)&adelphos(brother)也叫做City of brotherly love作为美国历史最悠久的城市费城是独立革命的发源地恶人传是独立宣言的诞生地We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 费城一个非常重要的有色人种聚集区
体育题材和浪漫爱情类型结合得不错节奏一到低落时喜感十足的小古巴古丁立马来救场了本片起码贡献了三句经常被后人引用的台词 complete me; had me at hello; me the money《恶人传》里尼克尔森对阿汤哥飙的那句:you can't handle the truth到了“情海”里成了阿汤哥对小古巴古丁掏心窝的“that's the truth, can you handle it?"