不能自拔 太美了T T 世界上也许真的有如此真诚又透明的心动 想到就觉得美好又心伤 |窗台 单车 泳池 厨房 电梯 教堂 "shut up❤️" “i save u back” "u r not alone" “i was there to meet u” "i saw u the first day at school" | “Life is NOW”
相较于片子本身对现实的折射是更为惊悚之处不过更想说一句比利怀德的台词永不过时 "there's nothing tragic about being 50,not unless you try to be 25." “that's where the popcorn business comes in, you buy yourself a bag and plug up your ears.” "funny how gentle pepople get with you once you're dead."