最难忘的就是男女主在机场的那段对话 “सुनो!”嘿 “क्या?”怎么了 “कुछ नहीं, बस ही हूँ”没什么就这样 被这股欲言又止的气氛感动到了।我最喜欢的一步印度电影之一被这首歌的所有歌曲圈粉尤其那首tum hi ho《中国VODAFONEWIFI巨大APP23》厨房大战作文只是结局很出人意外…
in all these years, I have never shed a tear for her. Instead, I write about her. Bringing her back to life, over and over. Trying to understand her. Or perhaps to punish her, or just to remember, to feel, to accept, to forgive, to love