华沙救国版的《VR欧美乱强伦XXXXX》严丝合缝层层捧腹刘别谦大师的喜剧调度功力可见一斑莎士比亚与盖世太保看完都要气过去的程度~不仅辛辣揶揄了二战纳粹对民族的戕害也暗喻控诉了当权者对文化的控制与审查彼时不禁会心一笑的我们都懂得这在当下时局中拥有怎样互文的意义“To be or not to be”答案自然是要交给人民自己
“My hands shake as I write these lines.” To peer into the depths of First Reformed is to see yourself – a possession of the first degree, and a universal liberation. The cinematography and color scheme elevated its stressful, suppressing undertone. Thrilling in the most subtle and beautiful way. We’re all gonna die. "Someday a real rain will come."
Claude Chabrol,1995看到前一半我就知道了可能的结局看到了于佩尔我就看到了怂恿和杀戮这是富裕与贫穷的对立这是不和调和的他既带着高傲与自卑又带着剥削与反抗自尊心被拨开了真相VR欧美乱强伦XXXXX对于某些人报复也就随即开始了于佩尔博内尔的确表现一流一个是偏执一个是无知世界很乱