哎心疼张震婷婷久久五月色蜜桃7777虽然张钧甯和孙安可演的也都还可以但全片只有张震的身体变化和癌症末期的肢体表现是真正落地的在素贞思聪大混战中一直想大喊什么鬼奇情片要不就做的再疯再飞点儿不上不下可真要命所有可以深入探讨的设定都是一笔带过顾左右而言他的所谓的 LGBT 也不过就是个人设的虚壳子在灵魂移来移去如此简单草率的高科技时代性别伦理观却还留在旧社会呜呼哀哉
4.5 stars. Vincent Gallo is v. talented. It's rare to see a debut as refined and mature as this one. (Bottle Rocket cannot compare for that matter.) The singing and tap dancing recalled David Lynch (not sure if it was intended). The part he gave Goon the code was esp. moving.