We'll create a new and better world without humans. 狠狠嘲諷了一把被AI、手機和網路牢牢掌控的時代和人群在科技引領(吃死)中的惡托邦vis-à-vis family會不會是下一場的救贖主場成人童話太銷魂了當過爹才知道箇中辛酸那一次次的雞血不是憑空而生的可是改變觀念又談何容易呢
很美国的一部影片MBA组织与领导力的课堂上用过来分析三人关系谱的案例We' re all told at some point in time that we can no longer play the children's game, We just don't know when that's going to be. Some of us are told at 18, some of us are told at 40. But we're all told.