这是一部堪称完美的爱情电影好听的音乐诙谐的对白证明着世间的真爱、纯洁的友情更难能可贵的是背后对于人生、对死亡的感悟正如那句“if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too”正如那句“P.S. I Love You”,能够让人在泪水中会心一笑王瑞儿bt种子是这部电影的成功之处
Dear Leonard, to look life in the face, always to look life in the face, and to know it, to love it, and then to put it away, Leonard, always the years between us, always the years, always the love, always the hours//看得满脸泪水浑然不觉…