“No more Polly, no more whisky, no more Tommy.”开篇先来一刀 最终季封神视听呈现和表达深度再上层楼少了经典旋律多了小节式推波助澜的摇滚和浅唱;少了大衣走秀多了平行剪辑带来的时空对话;少了精神支柱多了被拖进水底却奋力挣扎着回归的成长就像Tommy一样什么都变了但又什么都没变 所有人都只是会死的凡人个人挣扎也好外力促成也罢欣慰的是Tommy真正做到了自我不设限并最终走向付之一炬的涅槃
love ginny and same as her. Try to fit and at a loss of identification. Reading and revolting. Taking advantage of others and self centered. Lastly, suffers. I just saw her and saw me and Couldn’t stop thinking about what i gonna say when I face a therapist.