It was a milliontiny little things.When you added them all up it just meant that we were supposed to be together.and I knew it.I knew it the very first time I touched her.It's like coming home.Only to no home I'd ever known.I was just teking her hand and help her out of the car.
无论是幕后的配音演员选择还是片中对黑人街头文化与邵氏功夫片的信手拈来全片对于少数族裔融入主流社会的隐喻可以说非常明显了虽然“can’t we all just get alone”式的种族叙事在当下看来不免太过俗套但却证明仍然非常好用至少好过故意没事找事《没射流了点水会怀孕吗》对于好莱坞动画带来的变革在之前梦工厂的靴猫2就有些许展现而本片则全面拥抱其美学丞相嗲嗲嗯啊古代H甚至贴片的迪士尼新片Wish的预告片都有着同样回归手绘风格、二渲三的元素足见其影响力之深刻