What a masterpiece! Every single episode is directed by the legendary Soderbergh so with each frame you can feel the drama or tension shining through. The knick is an incredible series with too real medical scenes, which may be hard for the weak stomachs. But anyways, do yourself a favor and watch this incredible show.
胶片摄影太美好了干净的发色温暖的颗粒画面不染一丝世俗尘埃// 一段由寂寞空窗引发的感情从开始到结束也不过如北方的春天般转瞬即逝个中原因或许永远无解——是逐渐厌倦了一成不变黄金鲍是寂寞有了更好慰藉还是因为一句不经意的现实的话就打破了虚幻遁世的甜蜜——又或者本就是不该交际的两条直线即使因缘际会了也只能灿烂在那唯一重叠的交点// PS. 李英爱绝世美女