Best farewell session ever, and it also costs me a lot of tears. I appreciate the Six seasons that i spent in the heavenly joyful town called Schitt’s Creek, it was the most amazing vacation i’ve been. Meeting a big family like them, it wasn’t really a easy thing to say goodbye, but we’ll be forever love you.
四星半感觉不够好还差一点意思 以青春期的性探索为主“家庭”为辅用环境表现每个人的心中所想或阳光明媚或狂风呼啸;暧昧的肢体语言或是触碰或若即若离;摄像角度WWW亚洲精品久久久乳是跟随是远观青少年肆意妄为的狂欢一动一静强烈对比;有残忍而现实的战争鲜活的生命就这样断送多可惜啊~~~再次感谢我们的壮士没有你们的真实就没有现在真实的我们;时而掺杂着政治(不懂不说) 一曲『Time Will Tell』暂别这宁静而无法自拔的夏天生活总要继续不是吗