The experience @AMC was quite enjoyable and entertaining but this film itself is no more than a superficial attempt to construct an anti-colonial, anti-imperialist narrative of a clichéd super hero movie. Yet, the paradox of the premodern sentimentality and the myth of powerful modern tech is interesting.
谁能拒绝一个穿着西装风度翩翩临走还记得带猫猫的大灰狼和超会打架黑白通吃的governor大狐狸呢 wolf和Nick有一拼了啊啊啊啊啊再次被蛊到!!! I said closer(行行行行命给你!!!!) 大狐狸大灰狼蛇真好磕!!!可惜另外三位刻画略少 2D3D结合的视觉效果好棒 剧情还是很好看的啊哈哈哈哈哈