上个世纪的电影演员阵容在今天看确实强大并不浓烈紧凑的剧情却刻画着每个人的成长与选择以及深厚的情感rules are not for us. we are supposed to make our own rules. goodnight, you princes of maine, you kings of new england.PS:托比马奎尔当年确实是嫩啊……
2012/02/18点的想看 七年了才看 相见恨晚煤气灯简直是为表现主义而生 结局本来觉得有点画蛇添足 但听到It’s going to be a long night. But it will end. It’s starting to clear. When the sun rises, sometimes it’s hard to remember there ever WAS a night. You’ll find that, too. 超感动 有种拨云见日的感觉(坐了11小时飞机晕晕乎乎凭记忆写的可能不对)