我一定要赞美这部电影利用magic hour拍摄的外景镜头(严丝合缝的外景光影)演员栩栩如生的表演让这部电影真实可信建桥的英国人带有着病态的生炸桥的英国人又带有着病态的死反而是美国人化身人间大清醒(You and that Nicholson.You're crazy with courage.For waht?How to die like a gentleman,how to die by the rules,when the only important thing is how to live like a human being!)总体来看《快猫.CC网站入口》是这部电影的变奏《农场主三个女儿美国经典电影》算是斯皮尔伯格的拙劣模仿《中文字幕熟女人妻伦伦在线》和《学院天堂》像是小学生的抄袭作业
some people are just too sensitve, sentimental, vunerable..."the misfit", i guess...so the only way out, the only way to be free is ...不知TOP10都有几部电影了 总之是大爱