“Querelle had entered into a kind of unspoken pact with the Devil.He had not written over either his body or his soul to him.but rather s.th which is just as valuable.A friend.And the death of this friend would sanctify his crime."“
20220621 ep11 一个家庭因为小女儿的逝去分崩离析 结尾jj带着初生的小婴儿来探望大家 衔接得温柔美妙 ep16 梅根对好吃的一句“你妻子怎么舍得离开你这样的男人”比比任何情话都动人 ep22摩天轮 不管哪次回顾嗯会被这集震到 男主帅而脆弱 心如极度深寒 整个团队都成为他的配角 是可以拿出来做成电影甚至电视剧的人物塑造 ep24 What else do they have locked up in there?