题材角度和情感表达真的就挺喜欢的看的时候觉得泳装美女是一个充满了文化尊重和爱与支持的家庭真好很喜欢妈妈的两场戏四手联弹以及吃蛋糕的那两场真的很打动人有感染力(重庆路万达的播放事故真的很影响我的观影体验和情绪连贯性气气最后那句because soon i will understand them all 我真的没看到)
Love is passion, obsession...find someone you can love like crazy, and he can love you the same way back...how to find him out? Forget your head, and listen to your heart...the truth is there is no sense living without this...if you haven't tried, you haven't lived...