老爹本来就很可疑超人是被地球人以人类的道德标准养大的老爹可不是啊made a kid with your petisn’t that perverted?
没有单纯的救赎与被救赎只有互相融入对方的生命之中陪伴与成就Mr. Church给了Charlie一家十多年的无薪陪伴而他在C家感受到了安全感有了家庭与爱family and love包括Larson他在挺着大肚子的Charlie被滑板男孩撞到之后在酒驾撞死人不能开车的惩罚之中与第一时间把C送到医院的想法之中手颤抖着犹豫着最终还是一路飙车把C送到了医院后来他对C说其实那一天他在便利店买完东西美国禁忌是准备自杀的是他们互相的救赎成就了彼此的生命
you made me so very happy!Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken.Sometimes,you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what.Maybe you'll find it in a spouse,and celebrate it with your dream wedding,but there's also the cha